Sunday, September 30, 2012

Daydreaming to the Finish Line

Hello my Sweethearts!

So the hubs and I recently celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. 4 years ago I met the love of my life and 3 years after the wedding, we have yet to ever actually live together.

"No really! I always burst out in profanity when I'm HAPPY!"

Everyone always says "OMG how do you do it!?" and I never have a solid answer so I just shrug and give a different one every time.

Regardless of the answer, even I don't know what the secret is yet. Everyone seems to have their own. I just know I wake up alone, go to class, work, do housework, talk to friends and then I go to bed....alone.

Really the biggest thing thats kept my marriage in one piece is talking on the phone at least once a day. Even on days I'm not very busy, I make it a point to keep my phone handy, but not obsess about it if he can't talk because of duty or some other military obligation. But if there's no communication at all, there's no relationship.
 Remember there's more to you than your relationship.

I needed intimacy to feel validated and once that was taken away, I had to adapt. The hallmark of a successful long distance relationship (aside from mutual trust/respect/communication) is learning to be happy when by yourself. This is something I had alot of trouble with in the beginning.

MY favorite thing to do when its quiet is daydream/create. I do things like play the piano, write, draw, listen to pandora, go for a walk, whatever I feel like.

There is practicality in daydreams. When you actually let yourself do it, whether in class, at work or
grocery shopping, it does wonders for your mind.

(Granted that you don't do it while driving or watching your kids but just when there's a lull in the day)

But, my situation has now intersected with what feels like a "quarter life crisis" (if there is such a thing). Because now, I am elated to report that my husband has re-enlisted and is PCSing back to GA.

He's not officially "back" until December so the excitement won't set in until it gets closer to then. Don't wanna jinx anything... We're both so busy we actually forget to be excited.

Thats the good news. The bad news is that it'll take me at least another year to graduate from KSU... and since my major has limited online classes, that means that despite my husband buying us a house in the next 3 months, I still have to postpone moving in...for the 4th...friggin....year.

Hence this blog and my recent insanity. I've gotten too far to quit or transfer so I'm about to double up my course load and sprint my happy ass to graduation (for the love of God).

There's no time to be 24 with all this going on. After graduation, hopefully there will be some kind of pause before we dive right into the parent pool. I'd like to do something impulsive like buy an RV and drive cross country or go on a cruise...

I'd also like to get the hang of being a full time wife before becoming a mother. But the best way to make God laugh is to make plans of any kind, so right now, we're just taking things one step at a time and hoping for the best. *sigh* This next year will be a long one.