Friday, March 15, 2013

Mickey Mouse, Spring Break and Krav Maga

I finally found some time to sit down and touch base with you all!

Okay, so over the past 3 months, I've doubled up my course load because I am thisclose to graduating with a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and I'm trying to get things done before my senioritis kicks in.

Here's a recap in case you don't know:

1. My husband has re-enlisted and transferred here to a base in Georgia (which makes him available to visit on the weekends)!

2. I've managed to stay ahead of the game academically by obsessively writing lists in my day planner, doing assignments freakishly early and completely neglecting to bother with a social life of any kind!

3. To counteract this hard work (and possibly just to watch my face explode) my husband decides to use our tax refund to take me to Disney World for my spring break/Valentine's Day present....

(Me losing my mind with excitement)

4. Day 3 of that trip, we were both so exhausted from all the walking that his back went out and we spent the majority of it in the Orlando ER getting him shot up with meds.

Needless to say the rest of that evening was quite interesting...

5. I managed to get tons of great pictures and some autographs I've wanted since I was 4!

6. I joined a Krav Maga class to get a work out, channel my anger and pick up an awesome new skill!

I recommend it for weight loss, a handy skill and to have some fun beatin' guys up.

So that's been my spring so far with some drama, music, laughter and binge eating thrown in. Hope everyone's semester is going well (or is at least manageable) and that your winning extends to your grades and your social lives!!!

Love to all my sweethearts!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Courage in the Meantime

This is a blogpost I found on pinterest. I found her words both inspiring and practical. I just hope I can live up to them.

I'll have another post up on here soon. Life's been a little crazy and there's alot to update you all on!
Until then, if these words touch you to your core, keep in mind that we're all in this together...