Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Semester, Challenge Accepted!

Hello My Sweethearts!!!

Been a minute since my last post, but its been a crazy holiday season. Hope all of you had a wonderfully blessed holiday with lots of justified pigging out, laughter and loved ones!

Once finals were finished, I crawled under a proverbial social rock. Primarily because the hubs and I took December off to move him back to Georgia!!! He reenlisted, got new orders and is now just a half day's drive away from our family and he'll get to see us just about every weekend!

So it started out with a plane ride to California and then a leisurely 5 day drive across the country (which I would have shared with you, had I not forgotten my computer at home). Once we got across the first state line, the rest was pretty much gravy.
Bring it on...

I believe that the best indicators of compatibility are either home renovations or cross country road trips. If you can withstand either one with your sense of humor intact, you stand a pretty good chance at forever with that person. If you're wondering how you got through it without committing a crime or yourself, might want to see if you're on the same page before moving forward.

Thankfully Joshua is one of the few people with whom I can enjoy long comfortable silences with, as well as enjoy intermittent laughter at the sharp turns that topics of conversation may take at times.

After 5 days on the road, it was a relief to face plant into our bed at home. Granted, "home" is still our parents' houses respectively, but familiar faces and southern food beat the gas station/Denny's experience on which we'd sustained for a week.
 (totally NOT because I just saw the movie or anything...)***

The only thing that would've made the whole vacation absolutely perfect is if we were both disgustingly ill the whole time....
....oh wait. We were...

(can't tell you how sexy it is to watch each other sneezing and hacking up snot all night long.... ah, romance)

With as much Nasal spray, Sudafed, Vicks products and Puffs tissues we went through, we oughta be endorsed for an ad deal....

But, after all was said and done and even though we were sick as dogs, I have never felt truly married until now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He really is my best friend.

Thanks to my OTHER best friend, Christine, I am now stocked with pants that accomodate my post-holiday posterior without resembling a busted a can of biscuits, the backpack is stocked with fresh and pretty school supplies and I can face what will be the busiest semester I've had in a long time.

1 more year and an internship left before I can moonwalk outta here! Good luck, Sweethearts!

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