Tuesday, April 3, 2012

MSS Promo & Managing Finals Frustrations

Good day all my lovely sweethearts! So the MSS promotion is slowly but surely getting underway. This semester has been INSANE and I am only now just doing something about the snail's pace at which the word is getting out.

Right now its just me myself and I, so whoever sees this blog and wants to actively participate in the Society, email me some of your ideas and your stories. I can't wait to see how many Sweethearts KSU has on campus! Even if its just a few people, we need to stick together. MSS should be up on the student life website directory within a few days!

So about these finals..... Okay, even the word "final" sounds ominous like "death" or "taxes".

 Granted I'm a part time student with a 15 hour work week and don't have near the course load some of you do, it still turns the heat up a noticeable amount on campus. Around the end of every semester, people get cranky, tired, lazy and before you know it you're in the fetal position on the floor, yanking hair out from all the stress.


Not only that but some of us have to work and/or have children to care for. To my military sweethearts in this category, you have my utmost respect, my every sympathy and you're definitely not alone here (although much of the time thats what it may feel like).

So for the sake of your sanity, I hope you invest what little time you have available to eat decent meals and get plenty of sleep because if you don't sleep/eat properly, the stress is exponentially increased and then you're left alone, exhausted and crabby because your now bigger ass has more say in your daily wardrobe than you do.

In case anyone hasn't figured out their own system for managing the madness here's a few tips from my own system:

1. Knock out the hard stuff first, as quickly as possible (i.e. that 10 page paper thats due next week that you haven't started) so the other stuff doesn't pile up behind it and avalanche you with homework that weekend. (Still working on turning off the TV whenever "House" is on...)

2. Flashback to age 10 and give yourself an "allowance" for the week in cash so you always know how much you have without overdrafting on a debit card or incurring debt with a credit card.

3. Plan (and track) your meals for the week on sundays. Use those coupons!!! Buy easy (but healthy) meals that require little assembly like celery and ranch, turkey sandwiches, fruit salad, trail mix, apples & peanut butter or tuna & crackers to snack on between classes so you don't hit the commons like a Tazmanian Devil (...or me. nom nom nom!)

4. Save looking "cute" for when your servicemember is home with you or when you've finished an important goal (like passing an exam or doing an extra hour of cardio) and you're going out to reward yourself.

Otherwise, toss that hair up, put the razor away and relish those sweats!


  1. This website is amazing, hysterical, and exactly what I need to hear most of the time. I love the pictures, they are the perfect to touch to the hilarity!!!! Keep the posts coming lady!!

  2. Seriously, I have read all of them and I was laughing almost the whole time. And may I just say, it's like you know!!! Finally! It's like the perfect combination of serious and pure stupid fun!!! =)
