Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sleep Deprivation & Guilty Pleasures

I am definitely not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. Every day I wake up at 4am to go to work and 3 months in, I still daydream about burying myself back into bed.

folgers was wrong | the best part of waking up is going the fuck back to sleep going to sleep ffffuuuu coffee

The sun wakes up 3 hours later than I do... how is this fair? I mean granted I'm not a burning ball of light that sustains life on an entire planet, but I contribute! I get paid to sit for 3 hours, watch people intermittently work out and I'm not allowed to read/listen to my ipod... its like they WANT me to sleep on the job.

To irritate the situation I recently had to give up caffeine....

So as you can imagine, I've lost what little fuel I had left to run on. I don't recommend drinking copious amounts of caffeine/coffee/red bull to make up for an erratic sleep schedule, because (like any drug) your body will get used to it and it will lose its potency and cause negative physiological effects like cysts and heart palpatations.... but its SOOO DELICIOUS!!!
 "Its not me, its you..."  

So I'm watching all these disgustingly skinny, healthy looking 20 somethings walking around campus and I can't help but wonder what their vices are... What deep dark guilty pleasures do they indulge in?
I am unashamed to admit that when I've had a long arduous day, I like to put in my Big Bang Theory DVD and eat a jar of Nutella with Graham crackers...

Another equally dignified indulgence that I save for those particularly vein-popping days is a careful combination of Disney movies, stupid internet memes and Champagne

Consequently the only other thing that keeps my head from exploding from wading through all the various cliques crowding the sidewalk, to the awkward public bathroom visits between classes to the simultaneous laughing/crying episodes after bombing an exam/project, is the bff.

All day every day we have to feign being the intelligent, college students that make the grades and live out the dreams of our parents... we need a regular dose of this kind of stupid to balance out the seriousness of college.
 (not actually her but pretty dern clerse!)

Now I must devote valuable meme time to making this next assignment look like I gave a crap.

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