Sunday, March 18, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse and White Chocolate Mochas

No one I know gets more excited about weapons than my husband. He goes from this rational, strong-willed man to a giddy little boy in a toy store asking "PLEASE can we get this one!?" Boys never grow up, they just play with different toys.

...well, not ENTIRELY different.

His time in the service has definitely left him with a survival mentality. No matter the disaster, he vigilantly prepares for it and now, its rubbing off on me. As long as it doesn't break the bank, I indulge him in whatever preparation he wants (can't quite say "no" to this face)

So thanks to my complete lack of willpower and his hard earned paycheck, he is now working on what he has affectionately dubbed, the "zombie preparation kit" whenever we have extra play money.
This way, he has a project and I can get my homework done.

I never understood the "hard part" of college until the last 2 semesters quite literally kicked my butt. Up til then it always felt like an extension of high school... NOPE! No matter the major, the 3000-4000 level courses will definitely show you what you're made of and how badly you want that degree,

I have no intention of going to grad school as of right now, because school is the reason I have to endure living 3000 miles away from my Joshua for the next 4 semesters. Excrutiating as it may be, this is a means to an end and anything worth having is worth fighting for.

Thankfully, the condition of our marriage was that I would finish school... at his insistence. The only drawback is that we can only afford it here in Georgia. But it is a temporary situation and one I intend to see through to the end. Which is what makes each class harder than the next.

So one of the many devices that KSU uses to make my nose bleed is the infamous "group project". Ah yes, the assignment that is supposed to "help" us to work well with others. It "helps" to create unbalanced grading and nervous ticks is what it does and I wish they'd throw it out altogether.
Professors think this is what occurs...

charming... when more often than not, this is the result...
 "Good thing we told him where to dig."

So the only thing one can do is put forth the best effort and ensure the work gets done at all. Thankfully, my caffeine addiction fuels my motivation to spend more time in "the zone".

"ZONE: a state of mind whereby a person/machine is working/performing at peak or optimal performance." -

Yes the Grande White Chocolate Mocha has gotten me through some rough times when red bull doesn't work anymore. Sat with a partner at Starbucks for 4 hours just working on the one group project. Now I have to find an extra 24 hours to finish a project for another class. AWESOME!

So, basically, if college never teaches us anything else, its how to adapt. How to eat Top Ramen 3 nights in a row because you spent all your money doing laundry last week, how to use 12 hours and a 6 pack of Red Bull to absorb 10 chapters of material for an 8 am exam the next day that you forgot about, how to make a fashion statement out of pajamas and crocs when your alarm didn't go off that morning and how far Kraft Mac n Cheese and Gatorade will go when thats all there is to eat.

Can YOU adapt?

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